Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Caught in a trap
Can't walk out

Elvis was not singing about the USA but he could have been . The USA is going bankrupt . We are caught in a financial trap with no way out.

Our nation can't pay the interest on the amount we owe. We can't fund Social Security & Medicare commitments for the future. But we keep spending trillions playing the world's policeman.

We owe more money than any nation on earth. If the lenders call the loans we can't pay .How did the most powerful nation in the world end up here? The all-powerful nation a beggar.

It's simple really. Our nation didn't learn you can't live beyond your means . Every family & business knows you can't run a deficit long. But the government does not know this.

Instead of reducing spending & balancing the budget , the government tries to borrow their way out of trouble. That dog won't hunt.

Nations get in financial trouble the same way individuals do . Wanting too much will do it every time . Not knowing when is enough .

America has seen this financial storm coming for a long time but chose to ignore the warnings . We just kept spending & spending ,just delaying the day of reckoning Now we are in deep Doo - Doo .

In a few months we will have a show of force with China over the world's oil reserves. It is hard to win a face off against someone you owe a few billion to.

What can we do ?

Bring our troops home & mind our business
Reduce government spending
Stop outsourcing jobs
Stop foreign ownership of American assets
If you do business in America you pay taxes in America
Stop providing benefits to non - citizens

How is that for a start ?

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