Monday, September 27, 2010


**** Political parties are no different or better than street gangs . Democrats , Republicans , Bloods , & Crips, they are about the same .

Gangs & Parties exist for the same reason . Both want to get as much loot for their members as they can . And they don't care how they do it .

If you think the Democrats are going to save you or the Republicans are any better you are dead wrong . Those folks are only interested in putting as much money as possible in the pockets of the Big Dogs .

Political Parties will be the death of this nation . Nothing gets done because the Democrats & Republicans are fighting over who is going to steal the money .

When someone will spend millions to get a job that pays thousands , you know something is very wrong .

**** Politicians have just about wiped out the middle class . You are either a Have or a Have - Not . The gap gets wider every day .

The Smart - Boys said send that work overseas . You can buy the product much cheaper due to low labor costs . So there went the jobs .

Did they ever think , If I don't have a job I can't buy the product no matter what the cost ? It is not Democrats vs Republicans or Black vs White , It is Have vs Have - Not .

The Big Dogs send those jobs `overseas because low labor costs improves the profit margin . The Little Dogs are left to fight over a smaller food dish while the Big Dogs get fatter .

Jefferson said " Revolutions are as necessary to a political climate as thunderstorms are to a physical climate ."

Not in the clamor of the crowded streets
Nor in the shouts or plaudits of the throng
But within ourselves
Are Victory & Defeat

Inside of each of us ,there is an internal scoreboard . At the end of the day this scoreboard tells us our score . Did we do our best ?

The World's scoreboard is not valid . It does not take into account where you started from , or the amount of trouble you overcame .

An award from the world really doesn't mean much , not compared with an award that comes from the inner scoreboard .

That inner board takes into account all we have done good or bad . How many have hoisted the trophy knowing they lied or cheated to get it ?. The inner scoreboard records all this .

The peace of mind that comes from knowing you did your best the right way is a greater award than the world can offer .

**** The Mystic asks " Would our lives be changed if we really lived our faith one week ?"


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