Thursday, April 1, 2010


*** I am going to say some ugly words today.


There I said it ,so chill out chick . I am neither a Democrat or a Republican . I think both parties are totally dishonest . No one could be this stupid .

Why am I banging on Georgie ? I voted for him . TWICE ! . I feel like Bush played me for a fool . I should have known better.

Bush was a rich kid who screwed everything up & had to be bailed out by Daddy. Why did I think Bush could be President without a bail out ? George gets a pass by saying he is a Christian but he does not talk straight . That National Guard business for example .

The National Debt was 5.7 trillion the day George took the wheel . The day Bush gave way to Obama the National Debt was 10.7 trillion . Almost double in eight years . Obama says you ain't seen nothing yet . The Big O has increased the debt to more than 12 trillion in 15 months .

How did Bush do it ? Anyone knows that if you cut taxes & increase spending you end up with a huge deficit fast . George should have learned that at Harvard Business school . I did ,taking arithmetic at Medina .

It is okay to cut taxes if you cut spending . Bush was elected to reduce government spending but must not have gotten the messege . We did lose 673,000 jobs during the Bush years .

Increase/Decrease Jobs/Spending, George got all this jumbled up .
George needed Daddy to bail him out again .

Bush also involved us in two high priced wars: Afghanistan & Iraq . That was to protect us from terrorists & punish those responsible for 9/11.

Funny though ,how the Bush administration had the battle plans for these wars drawn before 9/11 occurred. Remind you of FDR & Pearl Harbor ?

If we wanted to punish terrorists why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia ? That is where about 16 of 19 terrorists called home .

Cause Bush & the Saudi Royals are tighter than the button on those size 32 pants I wore in 1970 . Those pants fit fine when I was 145 # but at 248# they are a real challenge.

Pardon me while I cuss some more


Next week I am going to really cuss . I might say Obama for each dollar we are in debt ! WOO !

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