Wednesday, April 28, 2010


***** I read where Shelby County Schools was to consider privatizing the school bus system . SCS owns & operates all of their buses . The budget for the rides is 10.8 million a year .

Every day those buses run ,it cost 60,000 dollars . The buses roll about 25,000 miles a day . A lot of headaches come with the bus business .

A major problem is the cost of fuel . When gas prices go up like they have for the last three years, it is a disaster . When your cost triples your budget is shot full of holes . Many school systems have had to park the buses.

The other big problem is the passengers who ride the buses. I cannot think of a tougher job than school bus driver. The driver has to negotiate traffic , stay on schedule ,& try to control 50 to 60 turds behind him or her.

Parents do not realize how wonderful the bus is . All they want to do is complain . The bus did not come on time or the driver corrected my child .

I used to tell parents who called griping & complaining " Life is too short to let a bus make you miserable, Just bring your child to school" .

Or ",Yes we are having trouble on that route Do you think you could drive it a week or so & get it worked out ?"

Now some of you like myself have fond memories of riding the bus to school . Let me assure you things have changed .

Parents today are crazy . They defend their child no matter what . Like Ted Bundy's parents saying " Yes it is bad about those girls but Teddy has self - esteem issues ".

If the school called Big Moose & June about me misbehaving on the bus ,they would not attack the driver . They would attack my butt .

The bus driver did swat me on the behind once just because I turned a little snake loose . It was utter pandemonium for about a mile until the older boys stomped the little buger . As soon as we stopped the driver whacked me one . I did not dare tell & hoped the driver would not either .Seeing as how the driver was my Granddad.

Yeah , let those parents bring those kids to school a week & they will realize how wonderful that bus is .

***** I was reading at the Doctor's office . It said in a medical digest that the average person passes gas seven times a day . I shouted "Praise the Lord Chilli Pepper , we 've found something where I am way above average ".


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