Thursday, December 30, 2010


**** The income gap in America is growing larger & larger . The rich get richer & the poor get poorer.

The middle class is vanishing, smaller every year. You are either a Have or a Have Not. Maybe we should say Have More or Have Less.

The lowest median household income in one area of Shelby County including Memphis was 8,000 a year . The highest was 172,000 a year. These two areas are less than 15 miles apart.

You can ride down Poplar Avenue from Collierville to the river & see the social & economic classes change outside your window.

You can't deny that people seem better off than years ago . Do you live in a bigger ,better house than you grew up in ? Many ,many of the houses that are commonplace today would have been regarded as castles twenty years ago .

I believe a country is as strong as it,s middle class. America's grows smaller every year .

History says when that gap starts to widen you end up with a few Haves & a whole lot of Have Nots.

I don't know the answer to this problem. I think we need a complete new tax system . Term Limits, & get rid of all the Washington insiders .

I think we need to bring our jobs & our soldiers home . Why should we pay to police the world ?

We need to become a creditor nation again rather than a debtor nation .It is foolish to give billions away when you can't pay what you owe.

Presidents should be elected for one 6 year term . That way he wouldn't spend his term trying to get re-elected .

In my reading I came across this Question . Is it possible to chase the American Dream & follow Jesus ? Think about that .


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