Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Performance Enhancing Drugs
The Sports world is over-run with PED's. They are present on every level. It is very expensive & impossible to test for all PEDs. The drug makers stay one step ahead of the testing posse.
I thought a Free Market philosophy would control PEDs. Everyone knows the dangers of using PEDs so who would run the risk ?
I was wrong. I did not compute the proper Risk/Reward Ratio. In other words the Money is so much that players think it is worth the Risk.
Think about it . You are offered 50 million for 5 years . 10 million a year. So you take the PED to get the extra edge to seal the deal. Would you do it ? More are than not in the sports world.
What if the Rocket had said " I make 28 millon a year . I took that stuff to keep that gig. " Understood & Forgiven.
Where ever there are games there are PEDs . From Little Leauge to Major Leauge the Juice is flowing.
What can we do about it ? Not much. If someone is willing to take the risk it is impossible to stop them. It is their body , health , life & future. It is a simple decision. Is what I am going to get worth the price I am going to pay .

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