Friday, September 18, 2009

Malcom X. used to say " It is not race that matters but dollars." Malcom X. meant there was more segregation by economics than segregation by race. Think about it. Examine the impact your economic
status has on your life. Take a look at these areas:
1. Your Friends -- There are not many friendships acro
ss economic levels. Not many Doctors, Lawyers, & Corporate Dudes hang out with factory workers, truck drivers, & farmers. Close friendships must have shared experiences . Lack of wherewith all prevents this.
2. Your Spouse -- It is risky to marry outside of your economic class. You can not communicate with someone outside of their experience. It is hard to understand that which you have not experienced. Communication & understanding are kind of important in marriage.Even more it is almost impossible to blend f
amilies of different status levels. The financial tensions are tough to overcome.
3. Your Worship-- Most people seem to feel comfortable in a Church with people of a comparable income level. It is sad to say that Churches are known by the status of their members. Why is it that only the socially prominent seem to be Church leaders ? Does worldly success carry over to the Church ? Also the songs you sing , preaching style, & the clothes you wear are influenced by economic status.
There is so much more of life impacted by income ; such as you won't see many welfare checks cashed at the Peabody lobby or Wal-mart shoppers stopping at Oak Hall.
How about the big game . Super segregation there . Where you sit is determined by how much you paid .

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