Friday, September 24, 2010


*** I can't believe I missed on 3 of 4 NFL picks last week . I thought those were sure things .

You just can't predict those games . What I am trying to do with my NFL picks is to pick 4 game winners .

This is harder than it sounds . If the game was a 50/50 bet I would have 0.0625 % chance of getting 4 correct .

My actual odds are a little better because the games are not exactly 50/50 more like 60/40 . This means I should have about 0.1296 % chance of hitting 4 .

You should try this at home . Just take 4 NFL games that interest you & pick the winner .

*** I am disgusted with the Mississippi State offense . Yes, Dan Mullen I know you helped Urban Meyer develop the spread offense .

But you can not build a car with bicycle parts . Danny Boy , You do not have an outstanding spread QB . A spread offense is as good as the QB ,no more ,no less .

Dan's ego is over - riding his good sense . He is trying to piece together two QB's to run his beloved spread . Give the defense some credit Dan , They see which QB you have in the game & then they know your modus operandi .

How are the Gators doing in the spread this year ? It seems Brantley is under center more & more .

*** Economics - - Tiger Style

Little demand plus unlimited supply equals price increase .

*** This weeks picks ;


Florida over Kentucky
Carolina over Auburn
State over Georgia
Bama over Arkansas
UTEP over Memphis


Packers over Bears
Steelers over Bucs
Colts over Broncos
Cowboys over Texans

Last Week 4 - 5 Season 11 - 7


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