*** We are warned in the book of Hebrews about drifting from the truth. I think the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas has been adrift .
They believe God is punishing America for tolerating homosexuals . Could be . I can't say.
Now here is where I lose connection . Westboro protests at the funerals of servicemen . It makes them no difference that the soldiers are not gay .
What follower of Jesus would want to bring more pain & sorrow on a family already suffering ? I fail to see their logic here .
I do not think this stunt would fly in Gibson County . In fact it would be downright dangerous.
Let me explain the Gibson County mentality. A few years ago reporters were asking townspeople as to the fate of a child raping murderer.
" Life without parole or the death penalty" the newsmen asked . The G-County boys said " We think they should let him go".
"Let him go ?" the reporter gasped . Yeah said the guys 'Just let us know about an hour before you turn him loose"
How do you think a Westboro protest would work in G - County ?
*** I was reading a news magazine that asked the question " Is Ahmadinejad crazy or does he just act crazy "?
Ahmadinejad is the President of Iran . He is always saying when he gets the bomb he is going to wipe Israel off the map .
I don't if the boy is crazy but he is definitely stupid. It is not smart to trash talk those Jews. They have been known to nuke first & question later.
In my younger days I was a master of the preemptive strike and so is Israel . If A-jad keeps talking trash look for the Hebrews to come out swinging.
A - jad could let his gator mouth overload his humming bird heiney . My Bible says the Lord will bless those who bless Israel & will curse those who curse Israel .
Better listen up Ahmadinejad !!!
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