*** Relax Memphis fans . The Tigers are fine. You knew things were going to be tough when Cal & Worldwide Wes hi-jacked the entire recruiting class to Kentucky.
The Tigers are 17 - 7 overall & 7 - 2 in C-USA. Pretty good for only 7 scholarship players with only one or two tall enough to pee over the backyard fence.
Josh has done well . You can not put the puzzle together when you are missing pieces. Josh has worked around the problems & made do with the parts available .
Pastner really made a statement when he put Pierre in the fast food take- out line full time. Josh made it clear he is willing to lose some games to maintain a principle.
The rule of thumb is " you can have as much discipline as you have depth" Let me explain . If you have great depth you can be as hard & demanding as you want to be. If you are not happy with a player ,sit his butt & play the next guy. Players get the message, If I don't please Coach I have to sit my butt down . The bench is the best motivator .
Using the bench is much harder when you have few players . That Norman Dale line in Hoosiers only works in the movies . You do that in the real world & most Athletic Directors will have an early dismissal slip ready for the Ole Coach.
Josh has some left - over guys who were minor players on great teams .These guys enjoyed the success without toting much of the load . Now when faced with adversity their true selves are revealed.
Winning covers a lot of problems . When you lose some ugly things begin to emerge . Josh has to respond or give up the ship. Saying good - bye to Pierre was a response.
I have enjoyed the Tigers much more this year because the games are in doubt . Much more fun to watch if you don't know the winner in advance
How much fun would Deal or No Deal be if you watched the last 5 minutes first.
OH Pierre , Rally Burgers has a great special this week right there in your old neighborhood.
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