Tuesday, January 5, 2010


*** That was the battle cry that got Bill Clinton elected President. The economy is the # 1 concern of most Americans.

I have studied economics at two of the best schools in the nation . That would be MIT & JSCC. The highly regarded Medina Industrial Trade School & the renowned Jackson State Community College.

I have learned that the more you learn about economics the less you know. Economic thinking goes in circles. The cure is the cause . That type of chicken or the egg type of thinking.

An example would be ; Unemployment leads to less consumer spending which leads to more people losing their jobs which brings a reduction of spending ; on & on. The Flying Jenny just goes faster & faster .

I have also done an in -depth study of the work of Robert Kiyosaki & have arrived at a profound conclusion. In my professional judgement as an economist " We are in deep DOO - DOO".

In MIT terms let me explain the problem.
# 1 As a nation we spend more than we make . We have a negative balance of trade . We buy more than we sell . It is hard to be a world leader when you owe eveybody money. We must be creditors not debtors.

#2 People go where the jobs are . We have sent most of our jobs overseas. Business can make the product cost less for the consumer due to reduced labor costs. What they forgot is if the consumer does not have a job he can not buy no matter what the cost.

#3 The Haves are becoming the Have- it Alls. The Rich have always taken from the poor . That is kind of how they got rich in the first place. In the past the rich have left a few slices of the pie for the little guy , not anymore. Them suckers are eating it all.

#4 Bailouts - That is where the little guys { taxpayers] pay off the rich man 's bill . These rich boys get millions in bonus money for screwing up while Debby Sue doing piece work pays the tab in taxes. No body bailed out Robert Earl when he could not make his truck payment or his house trailer note . His job at the plant was sent to Brazil.

Who is going to get us out of this? Obama Yo Mama !! Did you know poor oppressed Michelle made 400K last year ? Wonder why they play the Jefferson's theme instead of Hail to the Chief ?

I don't know a soul at Medina whose Old Lady made $400 K any year . I'm thinking it is going to take a long time to dig out of this mess.

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