* FLORIDA - The Champs still look groggy to me . They sure are not having much fun. 9 - 0 with 3 to go . USC & FSU could be a little problem The Chickens will be a road trip. The Gators need to step it up!
* GEORGIA - Bulldog fans need to chill out . This is not their year. 5 - 4 with 3 to go, 2 at home . Georgia should be able to win at least one to be bowl bound. A toilet bowl.
* SOUTH CAROLINA - The Ol Ballcoach needs to go to the house . The team shows the signs of poor coaching such as clock management. Another late season collapse in progress. Good thing the Cocks already have 6 wins cause there may be none left.
* TENNESSEE - Better than expected . 5 - 4 with a chance to win remainder of games . Should get 2 of 3 . Great coaching job by the Kiffins.
* KENTUCKY & VANDY - Same-o same-o for these two.
* Could OLE MISS lose their last 3 ? Don't think so . Two are home games.. That trip to STATE could be a doozy.
* STATE needs 2 of 3 to go to a bowl . It will be tough to do . BAMA , Arkansas , & OLE MISS are the 3 with two in the Stark-patch. Big Dan has brought excitement to MSU ,I just wish he could bring Dixon back next year.
* The Medina Mystic has really enjoyed becoming a total recluse . Almost there . Last year the first in more than 50 years that I did not attend one basketball game. This year only two football games so far. Still trying to make sense of some things & find meaning in others. Life is so simple yet so complex. Are the answers blowing in the wind or could they be found in some smoke ?
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