Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Diversity is good, that is a lie. No super power has ever had diversity in values or purpose . That is why the USSR collapsed. The diverse groups would not trust each other.It is okay to be diverse in what music you like,the books you read & what you want to eat . That's all- right. A nation better be unified in their core beliefs not diverse . The Bible tells us that we are to be one in JESUS. It is possible to be diverse in little matters but not the Biggies.
Our government is on the take. It's all about the money. The boys in Washington do what puts money in their pocket not what is good for the country. Who did the bailout help ? Not the small investor ! All that money went in the pockets of executives who get millions in bonus .Term limits are the only hope to clean out the mess. Is it time for another revolution?
Sick Willie is not going to run for mayor, that was just a diversion tactic to give Sick Willie time to ensure that half - million pension payout. Now no matter what happens the GREAT ONE has the cash. You know Sick Willie has a PHD . PARANOID HYSTERICAL DISORDER !!!!

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